Record real estate growth in ABU Dhabi! Housing transactions are up 73.7% from last year, making it a new favorite for Middle East investment

2024-08-02 10:15:11
In recent years, high-net-worth individuals have flocked to the overseas property market, with Dubai remaining a hot spot for investors. However, in the present context, Abu Dhabi, the "City of the Future" located just 90 minutes away from Dubai, deserves even greater attention.


In recent years, high-net-worth individuals have flocked to the overseas property market, with Dubai remaining a hot spot for investors. However, in the present context, Abu Dhabi, the "City of the Future" located just 90 minutes away from Dubai, deserves even greater attention.


As the capital of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Abu Dhabi encompasses 87% of the country's territory and holds over 90% of the UAE's oil and natural gas resources. With a per capita GDP exceeding USD 100,000 and housing the world's third-largest sovereign wealth fund, Abu Dhabi is an international metropolis that is richer, more resourceful, and more open than Dubai.



In 2023, Abu Dhabi registered a record-breaking 15,653 real estate transactions (a 73.7% increase from 2022), totaling AED 87.1 billion, surpassing the AED 61 billion achieved in 2022.

莱坊中东研究主管费萨尔·杜拉尼(Faisal Durrani)曾表示:“阿布扎比作为一个目的地,在全球的知名度正在缓慢上升,特别是随着卢浮宫、Qasr Al Wattan、法拉利世界、海洋世界和华纳兄弟主题公园等大型文化和娱乐项目开始吸引全球游客的注意力,而且它正在得到回报,全球45%的高净值人士表示,酋长国的发展计划正在积极影响他们对酋长国作为投资目的地的看法。”

Faisal Durrani, Head of Research at Knight Frank Middle East, has stated, "Abu Dhabi's global profile is gradually rising as a destination, especially as mega-cultural and entertainment projects like the Louvre Abu Dhabi, Qasr Al Wattan, Ferrari World Abu Dhabi, Yas Waterworld Abu Dhabi, and Warner Bros. World Abu Dhabi begin to capture the attention of global tourists. And it's paying off, with 45% of high-net-worth individuals worldwide indicating that the emirate's development plans are positively influencing their perception of Abu Dhabi as an investment destination."




Diversified Economic Growth


According to the Abu Dhabi Statistics Center (SCAD), Abu Dhabi's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) grew by 3.3% year-on-year in the first quarter of 2024, with non-oil economic growth particularly notable, reaching 4.7%.


This growth is fueled by strong performance across various sectors such as transport, construction, and financial activities. The non-oil sector's contribution to Abu Dhabi's overall economy stands at 54.1%, the highest since 2015, signaling a steady progress towards a more diversified and sustainable economic system.


This diversified economic development strategy offers investors abundant investment opportunities and stable income sources. From economic strength, real estate market performance, to investment policies and convenience, Abu Dhabi is an exceptional destination worthy of investors' attention.




Government policy support


Abu Dhabi has embarked on the "Falcon Economy" strategy, vigorously developing non-oil industries like finance, tourism, and real estate, resulting in rapid economic growth. This diversification not only enhances Abu Dhabi's economic resilience but also provides a robust impetus to the real estate market.


The government encourages foreign investment and attracts substantial foreign capital into the real estate market by optimizing the investment environment, offering tax incentives, and simplifying approval processes. These foreign investments inject new vitality into the market and elevate its international standing.


Since 2019, Abu Dhabi has opened up permanent property ownership to foreigners, further attracting international investors. Many view Abu Dhabi as an ideal destination for real estate investments, flocking to the market in search of opportunities.


Moreover, Abu Dhabi offers a range of investment incentives, such as a 10-year golden visa for purchasing properties worth AED 2 million, with the visa tied to the property's ownership. Investment funds are deposited into government-supervised accounts, ensuring investors' capital security and mitigating risks. Foreigners can also obtain mortgages, with monthly payments starting upon property delivery, providing additional convenience for investors.





57% of the global HNWIs are interested  in Abu Dhabi

根据全球房地产咨询公司莱坊(Knight Frank)发布的第二份年度《2024年迪拜目的地报告》,高净值人士(HNWIs)对在阿联酋首都购买房地产表现出很大的兴趣。

According to the second annual "Dubai Destination Report 2024" released by Knight Frank, a global real estate consultancy firm, High-Net-Worth Individuals (HNWIs) have demonstrated significant interest in purchasing real estate in the UAE capital.


Specifically, among those with personal wealth exceeding USD 15 million, 57% expressed a desire to acquire residential properties in the Emirati capital.


50% 的海湾合作委员会国家高净值外籍人士和 67% 的全球净资产超过 2000 万美元的高净值个人表示,阿布扎比文化与旅游部的全球广告宣传活动使他们受到了积极影响,从而产生了前往阿布扎比游玩的念头。

Furthermore, 50% of HNWIs from Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries and 67% of global HNWIs with a net worth of over USD 20 million stated that the global advertising campaign by Abu Dhabi's Department of Culture and Tourism positively influenced them, inspiring the idea of visiting Abu Dhabi.


In October last year, Liu Yifei's endorsement of Abu Dhabi's tourism created a sensation in China, opening up the Emirati city's tourism market. With the subsequent surge in short-term tourist and resident populations, this has also fueled the demand for residential property rentals in Abu Dhabi.




 The residential sector dominates


In both surveys, the residential sector was ranked as the most popular industry among High-Net-Worth Individuals (HNWIs), accounting for 56%, closely followed by branded residences in second place (35%).


在住宅领域,Nobu品牌的3卧室顶层公寓的出售成为阿布扎比市场的重要里程碑,它不仅创下首都最高售价纪录,还标志着阿布扎比对全球资本的吸引力增强。国际买家(非阿联酋居民)的购房比例从2021年的3%猛增至28%。阿布扎比公寓均价约每平方英尺1000迪拉姆,而Nobu公寓售价是非品牌公寓的8.5倍,远高于迪拜86%的平均溢价,而迪拜的溢价本身就远高于全球品牌住宅 30-35% 的溢价。

Within the residential sector, the sale of the Nobu-branded 3-bedroom penthouse marked a significant milestone in Abu Dhabi's market, not only setting a record for the highest sale price in the capital but also signaling Abu Dhabi's growing appeal to global capital. The proportion of international buyers (non-UAE residents) surged from 3% in 2021 to 28%. With an average apartment price of approximately AED 1,000 per square foot in Abu Dhabi, the Nobu apartments sold at 8.5 times the price of non-branded apartments, far exceeding Dubai's average premium of 86%, which itself is significantly higher than the 30-35% premium typically seen for globally branded residences.



Despite Abu Dhabi Island not being designated as an investment zone for international buyers, it remained the most interesting property location among both groups of HNWIs. Their preferred locations included Saadiyat Island (32%) and Yas Island (24%), with Saadiyat Island (33%) topping the list among global HNWIs.



Villas on Saadiyat Island have performed well over the past 12 months, with prices rising by 10%. However, prices have hovered around AED 1,500 per square foot for the past three years, which could explain the buyers' preference for this area. In contrast, villas on Palm Island in Dubai currently fetch around AED 7,000 per square foot.

当被问及计划在该市购买房产的用途时,我们所有的受访者中有 40% 表示将“纯粹用于投资/资本增值”。位居第二的是购买“用于出租的房产”(占 22%),这表明三分之二的高净值个人将阿布扎比纯粹视为房地产投资目的地。

When asked about their intended use for purchasing property in the city, 40% of all our respondents indicated that it would be for "pure investment/capital appreciation." The second most popular reason was to buy "property for rental" (22%), indicating that two-thirds of HNWIs view Abu Dhabi purely as a real estate investment destination.




The most sophisticated infrastructure

上世纪90年代以来,阿布扎比和迪拜一样大力发展房地产市场,投资兴建摩天大楼,如今,阿布扎比市内高楼林立,其高度和造型都让人叹为观止。阿布扎比城市建设,无论道路、桥梁 、机场全部为世界顶级标准。

Since the 1990s, Abu Dhabi, akin to Dubai, has vigorously developed its real estate market and invested in the construction of skyscrapers. Today, Abu Dhabi is dotted with towering buildings, both in height and design, that awe-inspire onlookers. The city's infrastructure, encompassing roads, bridges, and airports, all adhere to world-class standards.



In education, Abu Dhabi has also spared no effort, establishing a comprehensive and high-quality education system spanning from basic to higher education. Currently, it boasts 452 private and public schools, as well as 28 higher education institutions, including branches of globally renowned universities such as New York University Abu Dhabi, Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi, and the world's first research-focused university dedicated to artificial intelligence, demonstrating its visionary approach to educational innovation and internationalization.


In healthcare, Abu Dhabi leads the way, with a world-class medical service system. Premier medical institutions, represented by Sheikh Khalifa Medical City and Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi, are equipped with cutting-edge medical technologies and elite medical teams, providing comprehensive and high-quality medical services. This has attracted over 15,000 international patients annually, showcasing Abu Dhabi's preeminent position in the healthcare sector. Furthermore, Abu Dhabi actively promotes medical innovation and digital transformation, collaborating with international medical technology giants to continuously elevate its medical service standards.




World-class cultural and entertainment environment


Much of Abu Dhabi's charm stems from its fusion of cultural landmarks and world-class infrastructure. As a thriving cultural and artistic destination, Abu Dhabi preserves and showcases the rich cultural heritage of the UAE. It boasts various projects that integrate cutting-edge museum expertise, visual effects, and performing arts, captivating both local residents and global tourists.


Saadiyat Island, an emerging cultural landmark, hosts heavyweight cultural facilities such as Louvre Abu Dhabi and Manarat Al Saadiyat Cultural Center. In the future, it will welcome a series of new museums, including Guggenheim Abu Dhabi and the Zayed National Museum, further consolidating its position on the global cultural map.



Abu Dhabi, as an emerging hotspot for investment, has become the focal point for international investors due to its robust economic growth, diversified industrial structure, robust real estate market, as well as high-quality living conditions and infrastructure. The government's development plans and visions provide a strong guarantee for Abu Dhabi's future development, offering abundant investment opportunities and vast prospects for investors.


In the future, with Abu Dhabi's continuous economic development and urbanization, its real estate market is expected to maintain a stable growth trajectory, delivering substantial returns for investors.



Stay tuned to YOUDEE for the latest updates on Dubai's real estate dynamics.


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