Acilitated access to 985 and 211: Dubai Golden Visa for your convenience.

2024-08-10 15:52:19
In China, the college entrance examination (Gaokao) is like a fierce battle with thousands of soldiers crossing a narrow bridge, the level of competition is self-evident. But if you are looking for a broader educational path, the Dubai Golden Visa program might be your ideal choice. This article will detail how the Dubai Golden Visa can allow your child to participate in the Overseas Chinese Joint Examination, stepping towards top-tier universities in China.



In China, the college entrance examination (Gaokao) is like a fierce battle with thousands of soldiers crossing a narrow bridge, the level of competition is self-evident. But if you are looking for a broader educational path, the Dubai Golden Visa program might be your ideal choice. 

This article will detail how the Dubai Golden Visa can allow your child to participate in the Overseas Chinese Joint Examination, stepping towards top-tier universities in China.




Dubai Golden Visa: An Investment in Education and More



The Dubai Golden Visa program not only provides you with a high-quality overseas asset but also paves a new educational path for your child. 

By purchasing a 2 million Dirham property in Dubai, you can obtain the Golden Visa status, which is not only an appreciation of family assets but also a solid foundation for your child's future education.




Overseas Chinese Student Union Admissions Test:
Less Competition, More Opportunities


Compared with the domestic college entrance examination, the Overseas Chinese Student Union Admissions Test has the following obvious advantages:





*Fewer candidates: In 2024, there will only be 10,320 candidates, far less than the 13.53 million in the domestic Gaokao.

*Higher admission rate: In 2023, the admission rate to double-first-class universities was as high as 36.4%, far exceeding the 4.3% of the domestic      Gaokao.

*Easier exam content: The question types are mostly multiple-choice and true/false, with knowledge points mainly based on junior high school grades nine and ten, and the difficulty is relatively low.

*Fewer exam subjects: Only Chinese, Mathematics, a foreign language plus one comprehensive subject (Arts or Science), with no Politics in Arts and no Biology in Science.




Wide Range of Enrolling Institutions with Lower Admission Scores


In 2023, the national joint recruitment includes as many as 306 institutions, including 38 "985 Project" institutions, 104 "211 Project" institutions, and 130 double-first-class institutions. The admission scores for the joint exam are relatively low as well:




•Over 400 points: Admittance to first-tier universities.

•Over 300 points: Admittance to second-tier universities.

•Over 200 points: Admittance to art schools.




Key Points of the Overseas Chinese Student 

Union Admissions Test Policy


According to the latest Overseas Chinese Student Union Admissions Test policy, candidates must meet the following conditions:

1. 身份要求:持有外国护照或港澳台地区护照,并在国外或港澳台地区连续居住两年以上,或在境外持有合法居留许可。

2. 学籍要求:在境外具有至少2年的学籍,并实际在境外连续居住累计18个月以上。

3. 申请流程:提交申请材料,包括护照、居留证、学籍证明等,并通过审核。

1. Identity requirements: Holding a foreign passport or a passport from Hong Kong, Macao, or Taiwan region, and having lived continuously for more than two years abroad or in the Hong Kong, Macao, or Taiwan region, or holding a legal residence permit overseas.

2. School record requirements: Having at least two years of school record overseas and actually living overseas continuously for a total of more than 18 months.

3. Application process: Submitting application materials, including a passport, residence permit, school record certificate, etc., and passing the review.




Feasible Plan: Four Steps

1. 购房移民:购买迪拜200万房产,获得黄金签证,并为孩子办理华侨身份。

2. 入读迪拜学校:选择一所优质的迪拜学校,确保学籍满18个月以上,符合联考资格。

3. 申请华侨生联考:根据最新政策,准备并提交所需材料,确保通过审核。

4. 考试准备:参加华侨生联考辅导班,重点复习语数外和文综或理综,确保达到录取分数线。

1. Property immigration: Purchase a 2 million Dirham property in Dubai to obtain the Golden Visa and handle the overseas Chinese identity for your child.

2. Enroll in Dubai schools: Choose a high-quality Dubai school to ensure that the school record is over 18 months, meeting the eligibility for the Overseas Chinese Student Union Admissions Test.

3. Apply for the Overseas Chinese Student Union Admissions Test: Prepare and submit the required materials according to the latest policy to ensure the review is passed.

4. Exam preparation: Participate in the Overseas Chinese Student Union Admissions Test coaching class, focus on reviewing Chinese, Mathematics, a foreign language, and Arts or Science comprehensive subjects to ensure meeting the admission score.




The Dubai Golden Visa project provides children with an opportunity to enter prestigious schools more easily. 

In the fierce competition of the domestic college entrance examination, this is undoubtedly a wise choice. Seize the opportunity to protect and assist your child's future education, and start a golden educational journey.


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