Chinese School Dubai Admission Guide for 2024

2024-08-13 10:38:40
Chinese School Dubai, bearing the important mission of "education going global", is one of the first Chinese schools established overseas by the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China. Commissioned by the Ministry of Education in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province and spearheaded by Hangzhou No. 2 Middle School, the Chinese School Dubai stands as China's pioneering overseas institution for primary education.





Chinese School Dubai, bearing the important mission of "education going global", is one of the first Chinese schools established overseas by the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China.

Commissioned by the Ministry of Education in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province and spearheaded by Hangzhou No. 2 Middle School, the Chinese School Dubai stands as China's pioneering overseas institution for primary education. 



Since its inception in September 2020, the school has embraced the motto of 'Determination, effort, for the public', upholding an educational ethos centered on 'everything for students' while meticulously crafting a distinctive curriculum that amalgamates key elements of Chinese and international education.


In June 2024, Chinese School Dubai was awarded the highest rating of 'Excellent' in the re-comprehensive assessment of new schools by the Dubai Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA). This achievement is a testament to the school's excellent educational quality and management standards, setting a new milestone for the overseas expansion of Chinese education.


师 资 力 量




Zhejiang's education has always been at the forefront of the field of basic education in China, Hangzhou is a very representative city in Zhejiang education, and has always been the forerunner and leader of Zhejiang education. Hangzhou Education is settling in Dubai and going to the world as China's education highland. 

Chinese School Dubai has a strong teaching force, and the teachers in Dubai are all highly qualified educational talents selected by Hangzhou Education Bureau. In order to better carry out weekend Chinese as a foreign language teaching course, Chinese School Dubai has set up a team of famous teachers to lead the development of excellent courses based on Dubai, with an international perspective and highlighting Chinese heritage. There are nearly 90 Chinese and foreign faculty members.

课 程 介 绍





Chinese School Dubai inherits the excellent school tradition and advanced education concept of Hang No. 2 Middle School, with full-time courses in China, covering all disciplines and related standards in China, and a new education system supplemented by local and international courses in the UAE.

The school has introduced local courses in Dubai, including English, Arabic, sociology and ethics, as well as international sports such as rugby and football, forming a diversified curriculum system that combines Chinese educational characteristics with an international perspective.




More students who choose Chinese School Dubai for further study will enjoy the choice of a dual education path: on the one hand, they will return to China to take the college entrance examination and continue their study in China's higher education system; 

On the other hand, thanks to the school's international curriculum, students also have the opportunity to apply for overseas universities, start an international learning career, and broaden their personal development space.




The school also attaches special importance to the personalized development of students, and has designed a series of rich and diversified after-school extension courses. These courses cover arts and crafts, Chinese calligraphy, Chinese writing, English and Arabic extracurricular reading, small host training, historical exploration, dance arts, sports, math club and more than 60 options.


招 生 对 象



The school plans to enroll students from Grade 1 to Grade 3 in the 2024 school year. Students' grades are in accordance with the Chinese age standards for entry. Please refer to the table below for details.


入 学 流 程





Visit, read the registration guide carefully, and follow the steps to complete and submit the application form online.



家长需支付申请费525迪拉姆 (已包含5%增值税)。请确保在支付时注明学生的年级号、中文名和英文名 (格式如:G1张三 Zhang San),支付完成后,请将支付凭证扫描件或截图作为附件,以学生的年级号+中文名+英文名为邮件主题,发送至学校财务邮箱[]

Parents are required to pay an application fee of AED 525 (including 5% VAT). Please make sure that the student's grade number, Chinese name and English name are indicated when making payment (format :G1 Zhang San Zhang San). After the payment is completed, please send the scanned copy or screenshot of the payment voucher as the attachment to the email subject with the student's grade number + Chinese name + English name to the school financial email [].




After receiving the application form and application fee, the school will contact you by email or phone to arrange for students to take the learning ability test.




The registration fee (AED 4,000 deposit) must be paid within 7 working days upon receipt of the admission letter. Failure to pay late may affect the student's eligibility for admission.



根据学校要求,及时缴纳学费,并将所有必要资料整理好,发送至 []。学校将在收到学费及完整有效资料后,完成学生信息的正式注册。

According to the requirements of the school, the tuition fee should be paid in time, and all necessary documents should be sorted out and sent to []. The school will complete the formal registration of student information after receiving the tuition fee and complete and valid information.




Pre-accepted students will enter a one-week trial period to assess whether the student can adapt to the learning and living environment of the school. If you find that you do not fit in during the trial period, the school may not grant final admission.




At the end of the trial period, students will officially become a member of Chinese School Dubai and start a new learning journey!


1. 学生护照信息页、签证和Emirates ID卡(正反面)扫描件

2. 家长护照信息页、签证和Emirates ID卡(正反面)扫描件

3. 学生证件照片1张(白底)

4. 学生出生证明(中英文版)

5. 学生疫苗复印件以及健康申报表(请按学校提供的模板填写,详见学校网站或点击:

6. 近两年成绩单或学习报告(成绩单需英文版,一年级新生无需提供成绩单)

7. 学生转学证明(原中国就读的学生需要提供外交部和阿联酋驻中国使馆双认证的转学证明,具体可参考下图模版;原阿联酋就读的学生需提供原学校开具的KHDA Leaving Certificate;一年级新生如有开具转学证明也可提交)

1. Scanned copy of student passport information page, visa and Emirates ID card (front and back)

2. Scanned copy of parents' passport information page, visa and Emirates ID card (front and back)

3. 1 photo of student ID (white background)

4. Student Birth Certificate (Chinese and English)

5. Students copy vaccine and health declaration form (please provide the template to fill in according to the school, see the school website or click:

6. Transcripts or study reports of the past two years (English version of transcripts is required, freshmen do not need to provide transcripts)

7. Student transfer certificate (Students studying in China need to provide the transfer certificate certified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the UAE Embassy in China, please refer to the template below for details; Former UAE students are required to provide a KHDA Leaving Certificate issued by their original school; First-year students who have a transfer certificate can also submit it)


注:护照复印件需在报名时提交,其余资料需在学生被录取后,请于2024年8月15日前提交,除特殊情况外,逾期未提交将影响学生录取就读。由于居留签证和Emirates ID办理需要一定时间,我们建议所有海外家庭规划好时间,尽量提早入境迪拜以完成各项证件和材料的办理。资料提交方式:扫描件命名好以后以pdf格式发送邮件至。

Note: The copy of passport must be submitted at the time of registration, the rest of the information must be submitted after the student is admitted, please submit before August 15, 2024, except in special circumstances, failure to submit will affect the student's admission. Since it will take some time to apply for residence visa and Emirates ID, we suggest all overseas families to plan their time and enter Dubai as early as possible to complete the application of various documents and materials. How to submit: After the scanned document is named, send it to in pdf format.



Below is the school's fee information sheet for the 2024 school year. Note: School fees do not include school uniforms, school buses, lunch, after-school activities, etc.



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