Dubai, the dazzling pearl located in the eastern part of the United Arab Emirates, has become the focus of global investors due to its astonishing development speed, innovative business environment, and diversified economic structure.
More than just a tourist destination, Dubai is a fertile ground for investment filled with limitless possibilities. From bustling commercial districts to cutting-edge technology parks, from luxurious residential projects to innovative tourism experiences, Dubai offers investors a variety of investment opportunities and substantial potential for returns.
2024年上半年,迪拜住宅地产销售市场迎来强劲增长,交易量同比激增33.5%,达到77233笔交易,这一数据表明,迪拜房产市场依然保持着高度的活跃度和吸引力,同时,销售总额也大幅上涨31%,达到2270亿迪拉姆(约合618亿美元)。 In the first half of 2024, Dubai's residential property sales market witnessed robust growth, with transaction volumes soaring 33.5% year-on-year to reach 77,233 deals. This figure underscores the continued high level of activity and attractiveness of Dubai's real estate market. Concurrently, total sales values also surged 31%, hitting AED 227 billion (approximately USD 61.8 billion). 2024年7月,迪拜房地产市场继续显示出强劲的增长势头,月内共记录了超过17,000笔交易,总额高达555亿迪拉姆,再次刷新纪录。 In July 2024, the Dubai real estate market continued to demonstrate its robust growth trajectory, recording over 17,000 transactions within the month, amounting to a staggering AED 55.5 billion, breaking records once again. 公寓成为推动迪拜住房市场增长的主要动力,贡献了91%的交易量增长,占总交易量的80%以上,迪拜的豪华房地产市场同样表现强劲,交易量同比大增47%,随着阿联酋预计将成为2024年全球富豪流入的最大受益国之一,对豪华别墅和品牌公寓的需求持续旺盛。 Apartments emerged as the primary driver of Dubai's housing market growth, contributing 91% of the transaction volume increase and accounting for more than 80% of total transactions. Dubai's luxury real estate market also performed robustly, with transaction volumes jumping 47% year-on-year. As the UAE is projected to be one of the biggest beneficiaries of global wealth migration in 2024, demand for luxury villas and branded apartments remains robust.
迪拜以其独特的阿拉伯文化和奢华的建筑风格吸引了全球游客的目光。从迪拜塔到帆船酒店,从人造岛屿到水族馆,迪拜的旅游资源丰富多彩,成为世界级旅游和商业目的地。 Dubai captivates global tourists with its unique Arab culture and luxurious architectural styles. From the Burj Khalifa to the Burj Al Arab, from man-made islands to aquariums, Dubai boasts a plethora of tourism resources, making it a world-class tourism and business destination. 据统计,2023年迪拜全年共吸引了1715万过夜国际游客,创下了历史新高。2024年更是延续了这一增长势头,在第一季度迪拜迎来了520万国际过夜游客,同比增长11%。 Statistics show that Dubai welcomed a record-breaking 17.15 million overnight international visitors in 2023. This growth momentum persisted into 2024, with Dubai receiving 5.2 million international overnight visitors in the first quarter, an 11% increase year-on-year.
随着科技的不断进步,迪拜也开始重视高科技产业的发展。目前,迪拜已经拥有超过835家高科技公司,吸引了全球35000名高科技人才前来工作。这些高科技企业涵盖了人工智能、物联网、区块链等多个领域,为迪拜的经济发展注入了新的动力。 Amid technological advancements, Dubai has also prioritized the development of high-tech industries. Currently, Dubai is home to over 835 high-tech companies, attracting 35,000 high-tech talents from around the world. These high-tech enterprises span artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, blockchain, and other fields, injecting fresh impetus into Dubai's economic development. 除此之外,迪拜还致力于发展金融服务,建立了多个自贸区,如阿里山自由区,吸引外资,促进贸易和物流业发展。这些自贸区提供了优惠的税收政策、简化的商业注册流程等,吸引了大量金融机构和企业在迪拜设立区域总部和运营中心。 Moreover, Dubai is committed to fostering financial services and has established several free zones, such as the Almas Tower Free Zone, to attract foreign investment and promote trade and logistics. These free zones offer favorable tax policies, streamlined business registration processes, and other incentives, attracting numerous financial institutions and companies to establish regional headquarters and operational centers in Dubai.
近期,迪拜宣布了一系列重大投资项目,如迪拜世博会后续发展规划、迪拜国际机场扩建等,这些项目不仅将进一步提升迪拜的基础设施水平,也将为投资者创造更多的商业机会和盈利空间。 Recently, Dubai has announced a series of significant investment projects, such as the post-Expo 2020 development plans and the expansion of Dubai International Airport. These projects will not only further elevate Dubai's infrastructure but also create ample business opportunities and profitability margins for investors. 迪拜世博会闭幕后,世博园区将转型为“后世博特区”。该特区保留了世博会80%的基础设施,包括标志性的Al Wasl穹顶和广场,以及Water Feature等关键元素。 Following the conclusion of Expo 2020 Dubai, the Expo site will be transformed into a "Post-Expo Special Zone." This zone retains 80% of the Expo infrastructure, including iconic structures like the Al Wasl Dome and Plaza, as well as key features like the Water Feature. 迪拜政府计划利用人工智能、物联网等技术,将这一区域打造为智慧城市,推动城市智能化建设,为人们创造更美好的城市生活体验。这与迪拜世博会的主题“沟通思想、创造未来”高度契合。 The Dubai government intends to leverage technologies like artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things to transform this area into a smart city, advancing urban smartness and enhancing citizens' and visitors' urban living experiences. This vision aligns seamlessly with Expo 2020 Dubai's theme of "Connecting Minds, Creating the Future." 根据《迪拜2024年城市总体规划》,迪拜南城(Dubai South)被视为未来城市发展的关键区域。迪拜南城不仅包含了世博园区,还集商务中心、国际物流中心、多功能展厅、多类型酒店等多种功能于一体。 According to Dubai's Master Plan 2024, Dubai South is identified as a pivotal region for the city's future growth. Encompassing the Expo site, Dubai South also integrates business centers, international logistics hubs, multi-functional exhibition halls, and diverse hotel accommodations, among other facilities.
迪拜政府已批准扩建阿勒马克图姆国际机场(Al Maktoum International Airport),以取代现有的迪拜国际机场(DXB)。该项目旨在将阿勒马克图姆国际机场打造成为全球最大的机场,进一步提升迪拜作为国际航空枢纽的地位。 The Dubai government has approved the expansion of Al Maktoum International Airport (Al Maktoum IAP), poised to succeed Dubai International Airport (DXB) as the primary aviation hub. This project aims to establish Al Maktoum IAP as the world's largest airport, further consolidating Dubai's position as an international aviation gateway. 扩建项目预计耗资高达1280亿迪拉姆(约合2518亿人民币),扩建后的机场将成为全球最大机场,面积将是迪拜国际机场的5倍大,将拥有五条跑道、五个客运大楼及逾四百个登机口,预计每年可接待多达2.6亿人次旅客。 The expansion is projected to cost a staggering AED 128 billion (approximately RMB 251.8 billion). Upon completion, the airport will surpass all others in size, being five times larger than DXB, with five runways, five passenger terminals, and over 400 gates, capable of accommodating up to 260 million passengers annually. - 世博会的举办以及后续发展规划的实施,已经对迪拜南城的房产市场产生了积极的影响。以世博园区为例,2020迪拜世博会的举办使得该区域的房价上涨了15%。随着新机场的扩建和迪拜南城整体发展的推进,预计未来该区域的房产市场将持续保持增长态势。 The hosting of Expo 2020 and the subsequent implementation of development plans have already had a positive impact on Dubai South's real estate market. Taking the Expo site as an example, the event led to a 15% increase in property prices in the area. With the expansion of the new airport and the overall development of Dubai South, the real estate market in this region is anticipated to sustain its growth trajectory in the foreseeable future.
迪拜政府一直致力于营造开放、透明、友好的投资环境,通过制定一系列优惠政策和激励措施,吸引国内外投资者。这些政策包括税收减免、资本自由流动、简化审批流程等,大大降低了投资者的运营成本和时间成本。 The Dubai government has been committed to fostering an open, transparent, and investor-friendly environment by instituting a range of preferential policies and incentives aimed at attracting both domestic and international investors. These policies encompass tax exemptions, free capital movement, and streamlined approval processes, significantly reducing operational and time costs for investors. 税收优惠:在税收政策上,迪拜没有个人所得税和资本利得税 Tax Incentives: In terms of taxation, Dubai does not impose personal income tax or capital gains tax, providing a significant advantage for investors. 产权制度:外国投资者在迪拜购买房产时,可以拥有永久产权或长期租赁权 Property Ownership System: Foreign investors can own property in Dubai with either permanent ownership rights or long-term leasehold rights. 签证政策:推出了“蓝色居留权”和“购房可获10年黄金签证”等政策 Visa Policies: Initiatives such as the "Blue Residency Permit" and the "Golden Visa for Property Investors, valid for 10 years," have been introduced to further facilitate investors. 基础设施建设:迪拜政府一直致力于提升城市的基础设施建设,以吸引更多的国际投资和游客,据调查显示,54%的HNWI都认为高质量的基础设施是迪拜获得房地产的吸引力的首要因素 Infrastructure Development: The Dubai government has continuously invested in upgrading the city's infrastructure to attract more international investments and tourists. Surveys indicate that 54% of High-Net-Worth Individuals (HNWIs) consider high-quality infrastructure as the primary factor contributing to Dubai's real estate appeal.
据Khaleej Times报道,过去几年,非洲、亚洲、英国和其他地区的数千名百万富翁已在迪拜安家落户。目前,迪拜房地产市场已经超过了2014年的巅峰,房价和租金均创下新高。迪拜的住宅价值在截至2024年第一季度末的12个月里上涨了9%,自2020年第一季度以来上涨了39%。 According to Khaleej Times, thousands of millionaires from Africa, Asia, the UK, and other regions have established their homes in Dubai over the past few years. Currently, Dubai's real estate market has surpassed its 2014 peak, with both property prices and rentals reaching new heights. Dubai's residential values have risen by 9% in the 12 months ending Q1 2024 and by 39% since Q1 2020. 随着迪拜经济议程(D33)的深入实施,迪拜的投资机遇将更加丰富。该议程旨在通过创新项目推动可持续经济增长,并在未来十年内实现GDP翻倍,使迪拜成为全球最具吸引力、增长最快且最安全的城市之一。 With the deepening implementation of Dubai's Economic Agenda (D33), investment opportunities in the emirate are expected to proliferate. The D33 agenda aims to drive sustainable economic growth through innovative projects, doubling Dubai's GDP over the next decade and positioning it as one of the world's most attractive, fastest-growing, and safest cities. D33议程通过优化营商环境、加强基础设施建设、推动经济多元化等措施,为房地产市场创造了更加稳定和繁荣的发展环境,进一步提升了迪拜作为全球房地产投资热点的地位。 By optimizing the business environment, enhancing infrastructure, and promoting economic diversification, the D33 agenda has created a more stable and prosperous development environment for the real estate market, further solidifying Dubai's status as a global hotspot for real estate investments.
据统计,七月份迪拜房产市场表现强劲,总销售量达15,994单,同比2023年6月激增43.2%,且较六月增长超1600单,显示出市场再度活跃。整体交易金额高达496亿迪拉姆,同比增长31.6%,环比增长32亿迪拉姆,整体交易趋势持续上扬。 According to statistics, Dubai's real estate market demonstrated robust performance in July, with total sales reaching 15,994 transactions, marking a surge of 43.2% year-on-year from June 2023 and exceeding June's figure by over 1,600 deals, indicating a resurgence of market activity. The overall transaction value amounted to AED 49.6 billion, up 31.6% year-on-year and AED 3.2 billion month-on-month, sustaining an upward trend in overall trading. 专家预测,由于买家需求的不断增加,在未来的几年里,迪拜的房价会持续上升,预计平均住宅价格将上涨 5%至 7%。 Experts predict that Dubai's property prices will continue to rise in the coming years due to the escalating demand from buyers. The average residential prices are anticipated to increase by 5% to 7%. 将上海与迪拜进行对比,就能更清楚的知道为啥迪拜会如此深受投资者青睐。 若将500万人民币投资于上海,尽管其房地产市场呈现繁荣景象,然而房价与租金比却高达51.55,导致租金回报率相对较低,资本回收周期较长,预计年租金回报率仅为约2%。同时,鉴于上海房价趋于稳定,未来的增值潜力也相对有限。 A comparison between Shanghai and Dubai sheds light on why Dubai is so favored by investors. Investing RMB 5 million in Shanghai, despite the thriving real estate market, yields a high price-to-rent ratio of 51.55, resulting in relatively low rental yields and a longer capital recovery period, with an estimated annual rental yield of approximately 2%. Furthermore, given Shanghai's stabilized property prices, future appreciation potential is also limited. 而迪拜则以低房价与租金比9.39吸引全球投资者,同额投资迪拜,年租金回报率可达8%-10%,迪拜以平均7%的租金回报率(ROI)排名第一,明显高于中国的3%。 In contrast, Dubai attracts global investors with its low price-to-rent ratio of 9.39. Investing the same amount in Dubai can yield an annual rental return of 8% to 10%, ranking Dubai first with an average rental yield (ROI) of 7%, significantly higher than China's 3%. 近年来,特别是随着2020年世博会的后续影响,中国的高净值人士正在往迪拜“迁徙”,迪拜也将迎来更多的发展机遇,在这些利好因素的推动下,迪拜的房价和租金不断创下新高。 In recent years, particularly with the lingering impact of Expo 2020, China's high-net-worth individuals (HNWIs) are "migrating" to Dubai, ushering in more development opportunities for the emirate. Driven by these favorable factors, Dubai's property prices and rentals have consistently reached new heights.
从长期来看,迪拜的投资回报潜力巨大,随着经济的持续增长和市场的不断成熟,投资者有望在房地产、旅游、科技等领域获得稳定的收益。 In the long run, Dubai offers immense potential for investment returns. With its sustained economic growth and maturing markets, investors can anticipate stable earnings across sectors such as real estate, tourism, and technology. 然而房地产市场具有周期性波动的特点,迪拜也不例外。尽管当前市场表现出强劲的增长势头,但未来仍可能面临市场调整的风险。投资者需要关注市场动态,做好风险管理。同时,密切关注政府政策变化和国际形势变动,以便及时调整投资策略和规避潜在风险。 However, the real estate market is characterized by cyclical fluctuations, and Dubai is no exception. Despite the current robust growth momentum, the market may still face risks of adjustment in the future. Investors must keep a close eye on market dynamics and manage risks effectively. Additionally, monitoring changes in government policies and international situations is crucial for timely adjustment of investment strategies and avoidance of potential risks.
迪拜凭借其独特的地理位置、优越的投资环境、丰富的投资机会和政府的大力支持,成为了全球投资者心中的理想之地。无论是房地产、旅游还是科技等行业,都蕴含着巨大的投资潜力。 Dubai, with its unique geographical location, exceptional investment environment, abundant investment opportunities, and robust government support, has become a coveted destination for global investors. Industries ranging from real estate, tourism, to technology hold tremendous investment potential. 未来,随着迪拜经济议程(D33)的深入实施和市场的不断成熟,迪拜的投资环境将更加优化,为投资者带来更加丰厚的回报。无论是从投资回报、城市设施、政治环境还是房价优势来看,迪拜都是投资者的理想之地。2024年,无疑是投资迪拜房产的最佳时机! As Dubai's Economic Agenda (D33) progresses and markets continue to mature, the investment landscape in Dubai will be further optimized, offering investors even more lucrative returns. From investment returns, urban amenities, political stability, to favorable property prices, Dubai stands as an ideal destination for investors. 2024 undeniably presents the optimal timing for investing in Dubai's real estate!
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